Saturday, January 3, 2015

A couple more Sad Peninsula reviews to share

So two more reviews of Sad Peninsula appeared on the web this week, and I thought I'd share them with you.

The first comes from a Goodreads user in the U.K. named Mandy, who wrote a lengthy post about the book on December 28. In her five-star review, she writes: "Sampson has meticulously researched his subject and relates the plight of the comfort women with compassion and sensitivity but without shirking descriptions of the atrocities they endured ... It’s a compelling and moving novel, with vivid descriptions, realistic dialogue and characterisation, well-written, thought-provoking and thoroughly enjoyable." Read the full review here.

The second comes from a blogger in the U.S. named Amy de Simone. In her review, de Simone calls Sad Peninsula one of her favourite reads of 2014, and says: "Sampson delves deeply into both of these characters’ stories. He paints clear pictures of the emotions and situations that both Michael and Eun-Young are experiencing. This was a book that I continually wanted to get back to reading." Read the full review here.

Thanks to both both readers for their thoughtful commentary.


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